
RoyPow opens dedicated production line, China. News story in Forkliftaction News

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Chinese motive power solutions provider RoyPow has launched a dedicated, USD1 million fully automated forklift battery module production line at its Guizhou head office in Guangdong Province.

The new lithium battery module production line means RoyPow now operates 13 production lines across a 75,000 sqm facility. These include three fully automated module lines, one high-precision fully automated SMT line, one AGV automated line, five semi-automated assembly lines, two semi-automated module lines and one selective wave soldering line. 

RoyPow says it now has total production capacity of 8 kWh annually.

A new overseas production factory is currently in the planning stages which will provide RoyPow with a further six production lines and an additional 2 kWh of production capacity each year.

RoyPow’s director of engineering Jianshan Xie says: "We are excited about introducing this new production line, which is part of our strategy to continuously innovate and strengthen our manufacturing capabilities”.

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“Collaborating with Forkliftaction has been smooth and pleasant. Their banner ads have significantly boosted our brand awareness. The customer service is always prompt and responsive. Cooperating with the Forkliftaction team has been an efficient way to deliver our latest information on lithium batteries to the material handling industry and has helped us increase engagement with our target audience.”

- Richard Bennett, Marketing Manager, ROYPOW 

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“Collaborating with Forkliftaction has been smooth and pleasant. Their banner ads have significantly boosted our brand awareness. The customer service is always prompt and responsive. Cooperating with the Forkliftaction team has been an efficient way to deliver our latest information on lithium batteries to the material handling industry and has helped us increase engagement with our target audience.”

- Richard Bennett, Marketing Manager, ROYPOW 

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“Collaborating with Forkliftaction has been smooth and pleasant. Their banner ads have significantly boosted our brand awareness. The customer service is always prompt and responsive. Cooperating with the Forkliftaction team has been an efficient way to deliver our latest information on lithium batteries to the material handling industry and has helped us increase engagement with our target audience.”

- Richard Bennett, Marketing Manager, ROYPOW 

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